Archives for category: Fun

2013 06 08 01 44 36

The Swede enthusiasts were, as always, naturally the most happy about Sweden. Which goes to prove that they have a long way to go before they turn real Swedish and disapprove of most enthusiasm shown towards the country.

2013 06 07 23 00 09

Kicking it off old-school.

2013 06 07 23 46 28

It’s like he has something to hide.

2013 06 07 22 58 04

Becky pulled of this shot -an artistic impression of a Swedish Mickey Mouse. Lasse Aberg would be proud.

2013 06 08 01 28 57


2013 06 08 01 25 54

This man told us that We Could Play The Vio-Vio-Violin…

2013 06 08 01 26 59

…clearly he overestimated our abilities.

2013 06 07 23 56 23Mixed feelings about Danish treats on the embassy compound / parking lot and makeshift “fun area”. Where yes…

2013 06 07 23 44 28

… Volvo was sponsoring with a merry-go-round. Because Volvo is synonym for safety, and that thing looks safe.

2013 06 08 01 45 32

Noticibly happy Swedes

2013 06 08 08 47 58

One scared- & one genuinly scary face

2013 06 08 10 13 55

Becky doing the robot / サラリーマン

2013 05 25 01 36 152013 05 25 02 58 56

Outsourcing the pencil job. Or should I say “out saucing”?

2013 05 25 04 00 09

Junya, an old friend came by

2013 05 25 05 25 22

Loki and his Koko Brown

2013 05 25 05 25 35

My face in Face


2013 05 25 06 11 462013 05 25 06 43 512013 05 25 07 56 332013 05 25 08 39 04

Guess which country just won the ice hockey championship?

2013 05 25 05 24 582013 05 25 11 03 33

Ground Control to Major Tom

2013 05 05 01 37 232013 05 05 00 25 512013 05 04 21 51 392013 05 05 00 24 58


Why yes that is a turkey-hat

2013 02 11 16 58 58

2013 02 22 09 05 00

Victor, Me, Corey, Tom2013 02 22 09 05 41

So our final bill ended on 160.000 yen. Which is nuts. And to think, we forgot a 10% coupon we had at the office. But let’s not be small.2013 02 22 09 07 05

Linus & Pierre2013 02 22 09 04 10

Becky & Gunnar

2013 02 06 18 20 12

2013 01 25 19 55 24

2013 01 06 02 08 55

2012 12 28 02 55 34

2012 12 24 11 22 48

One of ny wishes for christmas; one very common yet rarely fulfilled wish year round actually; is carrot juice. 
Or to be more precise: carrot juice made out of just carrot.

In Japan I’ve never, ever, EVER come across just carrot juice.
They always have to sneak in Lemon, or any other vegetable, plus a cocktail of preservatives.

So it was with glee Becky found this one for me on the near opposite side of the globe right on baby jesuses birthday eve.

2012 12 09 00 39 522012 12 09 00 43 112012 12 09 00 54 45

2012 12 01 21 18 21

Ah yes. The Robot Restaurant.

2012 12 01 21 19 48

Steep entrance fee.

2012 12 01 21 33 49

Gunnar and me preparing to assimilate.

2012 12 01 22 08 47

Destination Calabria came on before the first few robots made their entrance.

2012 12 01 22 14 46

“Mad” scientist.

2012 12 01 22 21 312012 12 01 22 22 322012 12 01 22 35 56

Can’t have a display of robots without a few people in animal costumes. My favorite to come:

2012 12 01 22 36 01

…Just look how happy that ostrich is. Both of them.

2012 12 01 22 36 35

The retarded dino was just a bonus.

2012 12 01 22 43 16

Then Gunnar cut off my hand.

2012 11 22 19 54 15

One need to go to incredible length to aquire Turkey, the bird, in Japan. Lucikly Linus have connections. Turkey connections. Which we all were thankful for.

2012 11 13 09 42 01

Found on an office window in Tokyo.

Caught eating ribs …

Illustrated by Ben J Adams:

Ah yes. Pointing and laughing at people.

2012 10 17 21 24 04

2012 10 20 23 34 55