2012 12 01 21 18 21

Ah yes. The Robot Restaurant.

2012 12 01 21 19 48

Steep entrance fee.

2012 12 01 21 33 49

Gunnar and me preparing to assimilate.

2012 12 01 22 08 47

Destination Calabria came on before the first few robots made their entrance.

2012 12 01 22 14 46

“Mad” scientist.

2012 12 01 22 21 312012 12 01 22 22 322012 12 01 22 35 56

Can’t have a display of robots without a few people in animal costumes. My favorite to come:

2012 12 01 22 36 01

…Just look how happy that ostrich is. Both of them.

2012 12 01 22 36 35

The retarded dino was just a bonus.

2012 12 01 22 43 16

Then Gunnar cut off my hand.