Archives for category: Home

Good-, nay, great things do come to those who wait. And I waited for this bike for almost 2 years.

2012 11 04 13 56 33


Written about on this blog, on my birthday, last year but wanted ever since its launch in 2010.

A very sought after bike, sporting everything I’d want in one (after some minor additions to it). It is a thing of joy.

2012 11 04 15 01 03

All I need now is some bike garment wear that allows me to plow through the city in this increasingly harsher weather: I shall be  biking. I especially like biking at midnight, btw. I’ve all of Tokyo for myself, people are not in the way in, say, the stairs. Add to that sudden smaller epiphanies when the whole city shows a side not that many get to see.

Since it cost a minor fortune, what with the animal tail illustrations on the shocks plus the word “pro” in the model name and all, I couldn’t help but to feel slightly guilty for getting something this fancy for myself. So I got Becky a bike too:

2012 11 04 13 55 42

2012 09 16 18 07 49

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Happy birfday America


Blue cheese, fresh basil, olives and tomatoes about to go in the oven.



I lived there? Pretty crazy, looking back.


As posed by
– what would you bring out of your burning house?

I would bring myself out; screaming, shoving women and children out of my way; BUT
had I a choice I would bring whatever I could from the above items.

If I only had a choice of one it would be that black, plastic little thing near center which houses about everything I’ve ever worked on professionally since I were 19.

IMG 1755


Sketched up a skyline taking the silhouettes from a few, mostly Japanese cities, and some of your favorite monsters and robots.

IMG 7108

One short roll of a sticky black sheet, a cutter, cutting mat and a few hours later the thing adorns one of the balcony exits like so:


IMG 2047

IMG 2003

Freshly cut bambu from the local forest, honed down to the right cm to fit the bedroom walls. Are the lightning to come from below or from above? We’ll see.