Archives for category: great

IMG 6166 703639

Met up with Matty, an old friend from DentsuFuse.

IMG 6132 705062

IMG 5858 706753

IMG 5948 708086

Shlomo speaking.

IMG 6143 709457

IMG 6010 710611

IMG 6134 711982

IMG 6113 715614

IMG 5961 717274

IMG 5817 783705

IMG 5819 784702

IMG 5877 785989

IMG 5869 786912

IMG 5893 788347

IMG 5907 789339

IMG 5933 791153

IMG 5942 792196

IMG 6026 793281

Masami continued her pretty great birthdaypresent package by getting some very hard-to-aquire pair of tickets to the Pillows. Band I’m a bit nuts about.