Archives for category: Poland

2013 08 06 04 24 212013 08 06 04 23 202013 08 06 04 23 46

2013 08 06 04 05 07

Above: hugfest2013 08 06 04 20 00
2013 08 05 13 02 052013 08 05 12 23 15

Mexican. Because meat and cheese.2013 08 05 10 20 46

A monument in honor of Sigismund. A moonlighting king too busy to rule both Poland and Sweden. 2013 08 05 10 21 582013 08 06 05 16 292013 08 06 05 18 29

2013 08 06 13 55 59

Fantastic bonus: back in Sweden a surprise dinner with the closest were waiting for us.

2013 08 03 06 56 06

As with any trip to Poland, honey-beers should be included.

2013 08 03 06 25 06

Ricky the dog, and mom.2013 08 03 10 04 07

2013 08 03 10 23 31

Above & below: Sopot scenaries2013 08 03 10 23 482013 08 03 10 29 432013 08 03 10 32 542013 08 03 10 43 092013 08 03 11 00 222013 08 03 11 03 222013 08 04 07 06 13

Gdansk scenaries
2013 08 04 07 36 09

Feeling sluggish I ordered some ice coffees. Turns out the ice coffee here is not what I’m used to.
2013 08 04 08 24 472013 08 04 08 40 21

After climbing up the stairs up the thing. 2013 08 04 09 02 392013 08 04 09 36 04